The Flat Classroom Project

I am in special project called the Flat Classroom Project. There are a lot of different groups you can be in like school time or leisure time or clothing and housing or celebrations and language and I am in the leisure time. In the Flat Classroom we Skype other classrooms around the world and learn about where they live and what do.

4 thoughts on “The Flat Classroom Project

  1. My hobbies is…
    1. Playing music
    2. Shopping
    3. Making rainbow looms
    4. Playing with my nerf guns
    5. Playing with my birds
    6. Having playdates/sleepovers
    7. Dancing
    8. Wondering outside
    9. Run on the tracks
    10. have fun


  2. Dear Luke,
    I am in the transportation group.
    My hobbies are:
    skiing, bowling, building lego, biking, reading and swimming.
    You did a great job on writing your blog.
    From, Lucas

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