
The next stage in the salmon life cycle is the alevin.  Do you want to learn about it?  Alevin are about 1 inch long.  They have a tiny tail and fins when they hatch and have a yolk sac attached to their belly.  They live in a redd with rocks and woody debris because they need to hide from predators.  Do you know how alevin get their food?  Alevin get their food from the yolk sac.  The alevin grows quickly as it gets nutrients from its yolk sac.  Fish and birds are alevin predators, like trout and blue heron.  Different types of salmon have different looking alevin.  Alevin rock!




One thought on “Alevin

  1. I never knew that alevin get their food from a yoak sack! Thanks for the education on the stage of salmon! Really interesting!

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